Monday, February 06, 2006

I'm gonna take some time, sift through this conflicted mind, figure out why I can't sleep

I saw Mike Kinsella and I can Make a Mess with Ace Enders saturday. It was the best show of my life. I remember getting to Hoboken, eating at Maxwell's right before the show there and seeing Kinsella and Ace eating together with the rest of Ace's band. The whole show was so intimate. We were right up front, no one was jumping, or moving, or pushing, they were just all in to seeing kinsella and ace. i bought owen's first two cd's before the show and mike signed them for me. god i was so nervous.

he looked nervous and lost too. He's just a normal guy, intimidated to play at a show still, lost without his friends there, looking for something to do and someone to talk to. He got up there and played an incredible set. i took a bunch of pictures and a few videos. i just remember seeing him up there, closing his eyes, and not looking at anyone. just playing to these kids that love him like he would by himself in his living room or at his moms. hes married. i wish his wife came.

i saw him after the show sending a message on his phone, probably to his wife and he was pacing around, lost almost. I got a picture with him and anj and madison. He asked if we were all brothers, me, andrew and andrew's friend adrian. I guess we could have passed for it. but i said no, just me and andrew are. he said oh, cool, cut from the same tree. adrian took the picture of us.

I shook his hand, he said to get in closer and put his arm around andrew to move him in. I dont know, theres just a certain feeling i'll get listening to his songs. Theyre innocent, and technical, and things are just done right. Hes a musical genius. i think of my childhood listening to some of his older songs, spending time with my brother and my cousins at my grandparents house. it makes me want to pack my things and drive around the country and just make a new life for myself.

not many people get the opportunity to ever see their role model, their idol or that person thats a huge inspiration in their life. that person that they want to be. I got to see mine do what he does best, i met him, i got his autograph, talked to him, shook his hand, and got a picture with him. 2 minutes out of his life and he never could know what it means to me. the feeling i get listening to his songs. i saw a group of guys next to me watching him play. this one guy had awe in his eyes. like we were both watching a god. i dont know, i remember seeing his face. i cant believe mike kinsella came out here, i didnt know if id ever get to see him play.

i can make a mess played afterwards. it was different. ace enders knows how to put on a show. when he plays with the early november its not that personal because so many people are trying to see him. i was right next to the guy and he looked at me and everyone there. it was just very personal and i loved that. i got a picture of the band, i really regret not asking ace to get a picture with him after the show. i dont know if i'll ever get that chance again.

Thats bill, ace, and jeff. I think this was their first tour as I Can Make a Mess. jeff really isnt that good, but hes decent stage presence. the drummer chris is excellent and sings awesome but hes not attractive and kind of a big guy.

i miss being there, and i got the biggest slice of pizza ive ever eaten before for only $2. well actually it came out to $10 because anj and madison wanted slices and anj needed an orange crush and i wanted a strawberry one and andrew doesnt pay for things anymore even though he got a lot of money back from his fraternity.

that was one of the best nights of my life. ill never forget some of the things mike kinsella said to me, or during the show.

"so maybe my mom's right, our good deeds won't save us. just true faith in jesus."


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