Sunday, January 08, 2006

i've got a girl in my bed who's more sure of what she says than what she hears.

I saw the funniest rap music video by two guys from SNL the other day. Check it out:

Lazy Sundays

New years was ok, I really want to do it in New York city next year. I think that would be awesome. I went up to madisons for a couple days afterwords too. Theres always going to be that degree of awkwardness but it wasnt that bad this time.

I cant put my finger on it but theres something about seeing your old friends after you havent seen them for awhile. They're kind of like your room at home. Everything is just where you left it, nothing's really changed, it's all gotten a little older, all your memories come back to you the instant you put it in your hands. Some stuff's even been thrown out.

I figure everyone's got two choices to make, either do something you want to do, or do something someone else wants you to do. Ive always admired the people who do the things that they want to do. The ones that arent bothered by other people's emotions or feelings or how their decisions might affect other people. I don't care how you slice it, you can get over anything. Its that decisiveness that i envy. If somethings not the way you want it, if you want out, they leave.

I know this sounds weird. If we could pick our lives from an infinite list of options I'd make mine the lead singer and songwriter of an acoustic traveling country folk band from the late 1970's. I'd have short hair and a beard and I'd retire in my early 30's. I wouldnt live to see 50 because i wouldnt want to. Its funny how it not only wont turn out that way, but probably the exact opposite.

The only thing stopping me really from living a little life making nothing somewhere is the boredom coming from whatever it is I'd be doing for a living. Its too bad theres no professional sightseer. Theres something strangley appealing about waking up whenever I want to, walking all day just to look at things, and sleeping whenever I want to.

What do some people do with their days? There has to be more to life than brief social interactions, working to accomplish small goals for a larger orgranization, making and spending money, keeping up with your neighbors. I want to know what the girl in the expensive clothes is thinking when she's walking alone down the street. I want to know what the guy sitting alone at the cafe is thinking. It can't just be about significant people in their life. Everyone always says someone or something is all they think about and to an extent thats true, but everyone thinks about other things that interest them when they're alone even if its just for a second, when they're watching tv and not paying attention. Why werent you paying attention, thats what i want to know. I want to write down everything I think about when Im not paying attention.

"if blame, as they say, is for god and little kids
then you're deserving of praise or a slap on the wrist
cause you can't help but blame yourself
for your long face."
- Mike Kinsella


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