Friday, December 16, 2005

"TGUK - Thanks for ten years"

Well tuesday and wednesday have passed, and i think i did pretty good. I had 3 exams on those two days. management i have a b+ in but i emailed him cause im just shy of the A-. hopefully he'll kick it up a little bit. my brother got me a little nervous when he said i should have met with him. it would have been more effective, now i kinda wish i went to see him. oh well.

cse was a bitch as usual. ece wasnt too hard. i studied maybe an hour before the test to go over a month of what i didnt pay attention to in class and somehow i think i got like a B+ on that final. i surprise myself sometimes.

its just getting really hard to start up again for my last exam.

ive been procrastinating all day with javascript. i want to learn it over the break. thats gonna be my break project. you can see my first and latest project here:

The Hello World Calculator, v1.0

i'll be keeping you posted.

also, i really think i have no use for being a main page. i really dont want to update this thing, my main site, and the code site whenever i have an update for it. i think im just going to use it to house my code projects. just like a storage shed under the code subdomain. more of a way to ogranize everything. i want to redesign i need anj's help. just an easier way to make news updates to the site. and just move the updates so that its more viewable. eh, maybe ill just leave it as is.

ive realized that group meetings are the most unproductive things ever, especially when youre friends with the people in your group. it seems everyone in my major, short of like 3 kids, have exactly the same personality so we have a lot in common and therefore have a lot to complain and talk about. a meeting that could have taken place in 10 minutes took 1.5 hours. but it was ok i guess.

i dont want to work on this stupid project. but i think its time. winter breaks almost here.



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